Sunday, November 30, 2008

going home

back in malacca on Saturday, Nov 29... B drove me home as usual, we arrived at Malacca at 11.00am.. my mom was busy cooking for lunch, she cooked Asam Pedas+Fried Fish+leaf mustard in water+egg sambal... i miss my mom cooking... my sis in law v my niece & nephew were there too.. my sis in law is a teacher, so she have a very long break before the school starts again... actually, my sis in law is happy becaused she will move to new school in Muar starting next year... before this she was a teacher in one of the school in Puncak Alam... as my bro worked in Sarawak oredy, so she asked for a new posting nearer to her mom...
-me ready to go home v my new dress-
-fried fish-
-Malacca Asam Pedas-

-my nephew, Aidil, was sleeping when I arrived, BALD oredy-

-my niece, Izzah, getting nottier and talkative-

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