Thursday, July 17, 2008

foods to eat when you are stressed

If you are feeling stressed, it is important to look after yourself, and your diet. There are many triggers which can cause stress – pressure at work, studying for an exam and relationship breakdowns, to name a few!

If you are under extreme stress or suffer anxiety, it is important to see your doctor.

For mild stress, the following foods have added stressbuster ingredients:


Bananas contain potassium which is good for natural energy. Potassium can help to calm you down and keep your stress levels low.

For potassium also try celery and avocado.


Like bananas, broccoli contains potassium as well as Vitamin A, which is a good antioxidant to help relieve stress.

For Vitamin A also try eggs and pumpkin.


Strawberries contain Vitamin C. Vitamin C is used quicker when you are feeling tense and anxious so it is important to add a little more to your diet.

For Vitamin C also try Kiwi fruit & Tomatos.


Potatoes have complex carbohydrates (the good kind) which will help give you energy. They are low GI and will keep you active for longer.

For complete carbohydrates also try wholegrain bread and beans.


Nuts such as cashews and almonds contain Magnesium. Magnesium helps prevent fatigue and will also help a bad mood.

For Magnesium also try whole grains and wheat germ.


Milk is good for relaxation and calming. Calcium before bed will help you fall asleep and soothe your nerves.

For calcium also try yoghurt and cheese.

When stressed, or for general well being, choosing fresh foods is always the best option.

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