Thursday, April 15, 2010

All-Asian Satellite Television and Radio Operator

i feel so bengang v as*tro last nite!!!! semlm tgk american idol top 9.. balik umah dlm 6.30pm sampai dah terlepas 3performances esp performance crytal whu being d 1st to perform yday! i tak rasa rugi sgt cuz tahu ade repeat at 8pm.. so i layan d rest nye performance.. pastu kul 8pm eager nak tgk crystal perform since she's my fave! bermula dgn ok.. kemudian menyakitkan hati! i bukan sakit hati ngan crystal tau.. she was damn good... as excellent as every week! tp i sakit hati ngan mr AK!
see below.. time ryan nak intro, astro wat i sakit hati!!!!
bayar mahal2 then ini ur service? tak hujan tak ribut tetiba siaran cam tahik!
time2 crystal perform, ade gangguan skit... semenjak 1,2 weeks ni astro kat rumah i mcm bagus!!! ade channel yg ok and ade channel yg tidak ok..
diulangi yer, kam pelanggan hampir full package astro siap ngan ABO lagi!!!!
but see.. "services currently not available"
sabr je lah kan.. tp takpe.. dpt tgk crytal performed.. she's oredy a star for me!
she can sing nething.. d most important thing she's being herself!
she knew wu she is, wut she's into and wut she can do...
she's too original.. i ♥ her! hoping she can made it to the final two!
and..... my fave idol was this week mentor - ADAM LAMBERT!
i just ♥ him.. he's being d best idol eva after kelly clarkson!
ok fine, cant wait to see lambert perform tonite and who d'ya think going to be voted out??? my guess: garcia OR aaron OR siobharn!
p/s: suddenly tim urban boleh perform plak last nite... this young 'adorable' boy is becoming better n better every week.. who knows kan???


Lady said...

betul la.. astro kat umah aku pon slalu gak jadi cenggini.. tak hujan tak ribut tetibe svc currently not available. sengal je~


p.s. first time semalam aku layan glee.. ouh sungguh menarek! rugi tak layan dari awal.

thesweetlittlecat said...

astro mmg tahik skrg!!!

p/s: gLee d best! :)