dun give up on a dream if u still believe it can happen
Monday, May 24, 2010
Aksi bosan dan lemau
Garfield touch up before aktiviti panjat memanjat (teringat puss dlm Shrek!)
panjat2 penat, pastu lepak2 ngan Tiny atas travel box.. Si lincah yg suke memanjat tingkap dan ape sahaja yg tinggi2.. pastu makan! Lil omell d most active jantan!
Si penyibuk yg tak boleh tgk benda bergerak2.. Tiny si kecil yg makin gebu!
dr kecik sampai besar bekepit ngan mak die saje.. asal nak dipegang dicakarnya kita.. otto si betina garang!
ini adalah si gebu saya.. otti yg suka menyanyi... naik bingit gegendang telinga!
ok, sekian.. monday takde mood nak wat entry.. layan je gambo si chumel-chomel di atas ok! p.s. yeah! sy leh cuti on Thursday! suke suke suke!
You sometimes make me wonder how on earth you can look after all of them so well, wonder-cat-woman? One thing for sure, if you have passion for something, you will go to any lengths for them. Your passion for cats speaks here :-)
yang kelabu adalah super kiut!
hehehe.. si gebu2 saya!!!
heart them so much! :)
You sometimes make me wonder how on earth you can look after all of them so well, wonder-cat-woman? One thing for sure, if you have passion for something, you will go to any lengths for them. Your passion for cats speaks here :-)
deepa: yeah... my passion is for cats! i love them so much.. i talk to them everytime i got problems.. they r good listeners! :)
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