Wednesday, July 22, 2009

All the best

Gudbye MU
Plz do come again to Malaysia!!!
The games were magnificent!
All d best in South Korea...
All d best in EPL Season 09/10!!!
We'll still be d champion eventhou vout
We'll miss u...


Lady said...

huhuhu..nak tengok sket keputusan dorang dengan korea nanti. sehebat mesia kah?

owen pon mantap..CR takde pon ok kot..tengok bape lama dia leh main dengan real madrid. haha

thesweetlittlecat said...

fergie pun mengakui yg doang akan goyah skit tanpa CR tp for me as long as MU ade Giggs, Marcheda, Rooney, Scholes, Anderson, Berbatov and ditambah dgn Owen, mereka ttp akan jadi juara!!!