Wednesday, February 04, 2009

gals day out

ALAMANDA again.. i told u uredy i went to alamanda this evening, but not only to see d happy faces buying twilight novels BUT we had our after working gals day out! we had our dinner at the sushiking, then, window shopping (i was shocked cuz they still got the 50% off promotions after CNY?).. nowadays there are too many sales in Malaysia... eventou it is still d 1st week of Feb BUT i kinda broke oredy! hehehehe.. so the 50% off meant nothing! ooo... i olmost forgot to story u guys about the most satisfy woman on earth today:missrenny! why? template for her blog-check 2.her wish to have McD sundaycone-check 3.TWIlight novel (without planning)-check! wowww... wut a day! and dun forget this part: for d 1st time i bought BigApple doughnuts in Alamanda today, no long queu like other BA outlets! hehehehe.. satisfy me as well!
sushiking, ere we are!
gals+sushi=geisha! hehehe


swit@kon said...

yerp! kenapa perlu ada sale lagi kan! awal sangat gaji last month. me nak g holiday so kena kerat expenses. huhuhu

thesweetlittlecat said...

hehehehe... dats y! bulan mac nanti sales lagi.. adusss..

rennylesa said...

suka ler..gambar2 semua.....hihihi

thesweetlittlecat said...

aku pun suke!