1st day session of the Public Sector Youth Conference was good, started by the opening ceremony by PM, followed by keynote address by K*N... i dunno y K*N so serious and suddenly bad mood of a small thing, yeah, he's a K*N, mayb he shuld act like that lah kot...
the best session for yesterday went to Mr Joshua Freedman, a COO of the EQ Network, USA. And i was so impressed with Singapore Public Sector cuz they were so damp good... well, the rest of the session i just talked things with 1 of my besties & my xhousemate, Su-en... its good to see her after our last meeting last year at the P*D Roadmap... Oh yeah. yesterday i was so shocked when i saw too many press during d opening ceremony, i dun think i ever seeing many press in any of I*T*N event, for me lah... i tot maybe it was becuz they wanted to interview PM after the opening ceremony... mayb about Politic, and i was rite! erm.. Malaysian political issues really upset me... wuteva!
I heard my fren told dat he kindda pissed sebab orang masuk lambat? and keep on ungkit-ungkit-ungkit all over again? OMG!! so un-professionallll~
yerp, he was! always like dat...
Haha..if u can imagine macamana dasat people who actually working direct under him~
are u d 'lucky' one?
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