Monday, December 15, 2008

prosperity sunday

yesterday, i went out with B to PGRM Tower in Cheras, there was a Phone Fair, the price was cheaper but i was not in d mood of buying a new phone, but i wanted to buy a stylus for my phone, i lost it last week! so, i accompanied B to change his bluetooth which he bought last thursday, but actually nothing's wrong v d bluetooth, B just didnt know how to use it! hahahahaha... suddenly, it was raining heavily and there was a strong wind... so i asked B better we get out from the place and headed to Jusco Maluri... there were a lot of people inside Jusco Maluri, there were long ques at every cahier... i had my lunch there... guess wut was my menu??? hehehehe... of course, i ate prosperity burger @ McD! even it was tooooooo spicy but i njoyed eating prosperity beef burger, only once a year ok!
-new alluminium wraper-
-i love d ring fries-
-nyum nyum-
-2 prosperities-
-c how much i love it, im lovin it!-


swit@kon said...

aku baru je makan masa lunch tadi. yummy. babe. i'm back and you're tagged!

thesweetlittlecat said...

sedap kan!!! hehehe.. tq for d tagging!