Monday, October 01, 2012

Plastic Surgeries & Alive Dolls

Starting with Dakota Rose

Followed by Venus Polermo

and now Anastasiya Shpagina

All of them are very young girls who were maybe obsess with either Barbie Dolls or Japanese Anime. They allowed themselves to be plastic surgeries victims just to look like their idols or just to be famous using easy/fast way. I wonder how they will look like when they are becoming older n older.. Gals out there, think before u do something that will affect your future life.. Just be grateful of the way you are, everything happened for a reason, remember that! 

Quote from BrunoMars:

"You are amazing, Just the way you are"

Source: cari forum 


vivien_capri said...

the girl in the first picture is a real gal kan...she even have her own youtube page and ajar orang cara mekap, style rambut ala2 kiut gitu..kalau x mekap, kecik jer mata dia :D

and she's a model..dari US kan...or canada i dun remember..but her sister's famous too.. famous being hated by people..kesian baca

thesweetlittlecat said...

real girl but she did some PS and make over just to look like barbie doll.. her sister is a bitchy kinda model in USA, thats y people hate her.