Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Must have

My monthly must-have books..
(i) CSFTS - I cant Believe My Cat Did That!

MPH Synopsis:
Our cats make us smile every day, but sometimes they really outdo themselves! This book is full of the hilarious and heartwarming antics of our feline friends that surprise us and charm us.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: I Can't Believe My Cat Did That! will have readers saying just that as they read these 101 stories about the simple absurdities, funny habits, and crazy antics of these fascinating felines. Whether humorous or serious, or both, this book will make readers laugh and warm their hearts.

And this book, i would love to have it now Please! 
(ii) A Street Cat Named Bob - How One Man and His Cat Found Hope on the Streets

MPH Synopsis:
When James Bowen found an injured, ginger street cat curled up in the hallway of his sheltered accommodation, he had no idea just how much his life was about to change. James was living hand to mouth on the streets of London and the last thing he needed was a pet.Yet James couldn't resist helping the strikingly intelligent tom cat, whom he quickly christened Bob. He slowly nursed Bob back to health and then sent the cat on his way, imagining he would never see him again. But Bob had other ideas.Soon the two were inseparable and their diverse, comic and occasionally dangerous adventures would transform both their lives, slowly healing the scars of each other's troubled pasts.

A Street Cat Named Bob is a moving and uplifting story that will touch the heart of anyone who reads it.

Read more stories about Bob here and here

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sandy the Superstorm

I thank Allah i am in Malaysia. I pray to Allah to protect my Muslim brothers and sisters, babies, children, underprivileged people in the disaster areas.

Source: telegraph


"Mungkin, Torres menjatuhkan badan apabila melihat bola agak jauh darinya," kata Evans.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Maybe? But I love Mr.H! Honda shown us that they really take care of the needs of their women drivers. Fits She's will be accepted happily by women all over the world! Yoku yatta Honda! That's y u r my fave brand! 
Nice Pink!

Read more here <hondajapan> and here <yahooauto>

Watashi wa Honda ga daisuki!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Kerana Allah SWT


SARAJEVO - Seorang lelaki Islam Bosnia yang berjalan kaki untuk menunaikan ibadah haji di Mekah pada tahun lalu memberitahu agensi berita AFP bahawa dia tiba di kota suci tersebut selepas merentasi tujuh buah negara termasuk Syria yang kini dilanda perang saudara.
"Saya tiba di Mekah pada Sabtu lalu. Saya tidak letih, ini merupakan hari paling bahagia dalam hidup saya," kata Senad Hadzic menerusi satu temu bual telefon.
Lelaki berusia 47 tahun itu memberitahu, dia berjalan kaki sejauh 5,700 kilometer (km) selama 314 hari merentasi Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turki, Syria dan Jordan untuk ke Mekah dengan membawa beg sandang seberat 20 kilogram.
Hadzic memaparkan perjalanan tersebut dalam akaun Facebook miliknya termasuk gambar dia memperoleh kad masuk dan keluar Syria yang dikeluarkan oleh kementerian dalam negeri kepada warga asing.
"Saya merentasi Syria pada April lalu. Saya berjalan sekitar 500km dalam tempoh 11 hari. Saya melintasi bandar raya Aleppo dan Damsyik serta sejumlah pos kawalan tentera rejim dan pemberontak tetapi saya tidak pernah ditahan.
"Di sebuah pos kawalan tentera Presiden Bashar Al-Assad, beberapa askar mengarahkan saya mengosongkan beg sandang saya. Apabila saya menunjukkan al-Quran dan menyatakan saya berjalan kaki ke Mekah, mereka melepaskan saya," ujar Senad.
"Saya berjalan kerana Allah, untuk Islam, untuk Bosnia-Herzegovina, untuk ibu bapa dan saudara perempuan saya," tambah lelaki itu.
Di laman Facebooknya, dia memberitahu, Tuhan telah menunjukkan jalan ke Mekah dalam mimpinya termasuk menuju ke kota suci itu melalui Syria dan bukan Iraq.
Semasa perjalanannya, Senad berdepan suhu sejuk antara -35° darjah Celsius di Bulgaria hingga kepanasan mencecah 44° darjah Celsius di Jordan.
Menurutnya, dia terpaksa menunggu di Istanbul selama beberapa minggu untuk mendapatkan kebenaran bagi merentasi Jambatan Bosphorus dengan berjalan kaki, selain dua bulan di sempadan Jordan dan Arab Saudi bagi mendapatkan visa untuk mengerjakan ibadah haji. - AFP

Read here also <theworld>

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sushi Etiquette

As a sushi-lover, i wanna share some infos on how to eat sushi correctly. Now i know..
 Sumber: & CariForum

Sunday, October 21, 2012


“Pada akhir zaman akan terjadi tanah runtuh, rusuhan dan perubahan muka. ” Ada yang bertanya kepada Rasulullah saw; “Wahai Rasulullah bila hal ini terjadi?” Baginda menjawab; “Apabila telah bermaharajalela bunyian (muzik) dan penyanyi-penyanyi wanita” – Ibnu Majah.


Sekadar mengingatkan diri sendiri. 

Friday, October 19, 2012


Finally i can post it here! Im glad im a part of this PSA ( Public Service Announcement)!
Thanks Media Prima for doing it with us..

Sains dan Inovasi, Pemacu Transformasi

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Those of you who think you know everything are annoying those of us who do.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Original article from Kosmo!
PUTRAJAYA - Rakyat diberi amaran mengenai ancaman bakteria Superbug yang boleh membawa maut jika mereka mengambil ubat antibiotik dengan cara yang tidak betul.
Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai berkata, pengambilan ubat antibiotik secara tidak betul bakal meningkatkan kes Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) atau kebal terhadap ubat antibiotik dan ia sekali gus membentuk bakteria Superbug dalam tubuh pesakit.
Beliau berkata, pihaknya bimbang dengan ancaman Superbug yang boleh menyerang bila-bila masa berikutan peningkatan penggunaan antibiotik dalam kalangan masyarakat sejak kebelakangan ini.
"Terdapat rakyat negara ini mengambil antibiotik secara salah seperti menggunakan bahan itu tanpa mendapat rujukan doktor atau tidak menghabiskan antibiotik yang dibekalkan mengikut masa ditetapkan.
"Oleh itu amat penting untuk orang ramai menyedari kepentingan mengawal pengambilan antibiotik kerana pengambilannya secara tidak tepat boleh menyebabkan kes AMR meningkat dan mewujudkan bakteria Superbug," katanya pada sidang akhbar sempena pelancaran Kempen Pengawalan AMR Peringkat Kebangsaan di sini semalam.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fun tiring weekends

Saturday, Oct 13th

Duty: Volunteer (Secretariat/ Info Booth)
Event: Econight Film Festival 
Venue: Dewan Tunku Canselor, UM
Creative 'tag' design by Yours Truly

Eco Signboard using Pizza Boxes
Models wearing gowns designed by school children using waste/ natural/ eco resources
End of the day: I was so happy,  I built my confidence & networking.
Sunday, Oct 14th

Duty: Netball player (Wing D)
Event: Kejohanan Bola Jaring, MAKSWIP
Venue: INSPEN, Gate 1
Results: Lost (vs MTIB), Lost (vs DBKL) & Draw (vs SPP)
The team.. Mosti, me wearing my fave no. 5
in between games
End of the day: I'm having fun, i miss netball so much! It was tired but worth it! 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The day I filled up petrol on my own...

Yes.. I never fill up petrol on ma won! I will let my hubby or any helper at Petrol station to do it for me. But i made my own record yesterday night (i will remember the date 101012)!

The story begun when i had to standby at the office to do some works with the bosses. We finished at about 7.00 pm after settling some chores. I usually using the Jenderam road but becoz it was raining and dark, i prefer to use the Dengkil-Warisan road.

Oil tank capacity: 32km ( I can make it to my home! Yeay!)

The traffic was smooth until the Dengkil traffic light, the traffic was very congested. I still believe i can go home safely and I'll ask my hubby to fill up the tank for me when he got home later. The traffic didn't move at all for 30 mins!

Oil tank capacity: 14km (I guess i can make it to my home! Can I?)

When it reached to the traffic light, I took a short cut to make a U-turn because i knew i have to wait for 2 mins for it to turn green.

Oil tank capacity: 5km (I cant make it, i knew it! Where's the next Petrol Station? Damn!) 

I was so panic, i cant think at all, i tried to call hubby but i cant dial his no! Im sweating in a cold car! I knew i cant make it and i will be stuck in the middle of the dark road. I was so afraid and almost cry because the nearest Petrol Station is the Kota Warisan Shell and it is about 5km++ from me! But i kept on praying, i was fasting and so hungry, i hope that a miracle can happen and the petrol left enuff for me to reach Shell. I drove slowly and slowly and i could feel Mr.H was going to stop any time.

3 km away from Shell.

Oil tank capacity: 2 km (I',m dead! Who's going to help me to push the car to the Petrol Station?) 

I pushed the window slider button. I switched off the air-cond and it was still raining! I didnt care anymore. My eyes stuck on the oil tank meter, i didn't even look at the side mirrors. The road that i took was the main road for people going to KLIA/LCCT/Nilai/Sepang. So it kinda busy road.

I saw the McDonald logo from afar, i almost there and then i look at the meter.

Oil tank capacity: 1 km (Miracle please, Ya Allah!)

Suddenly i remembered the incident when i 1st went lunch outside MoA with my MoA mate during my earliest day at MoA (Renn u must remember kan?).. Ayol was driving his car that time. Ayol's car stopped in front of the Presint 9 traffic light because the oil tank is empty! It was hot and we had to wait under the trees at the roadside.

I reached at the entrance of Shell.

Oil tank capacity: 0 km (Don't stop now please, few meters ONLY!)

And........ i made it!  The engine suddenly stopped. That's ok, i knew MR.H will be fully energised after i gave him petrol! (Thanks Allah.)

i went to the counter and paid. I asked the helper to fill up my tank BUT she told me that there's no helper right now. I was panic again! Damn! I never filled up petrol to Mr.H or any car before! How should i do it? I kept calm and went to Mr.H. I opened the oil tank opener, slowly i took the handler and put its nozzle into the oil tank, slowly i pushed the handler and I smiled! So, this is how people fill up petrol!

I made it. I felt relief. I drove home with happy face. I didn't want to think about me being panic before, i just wanna go home!

Reached home at 8.00pm, took out my BB and read whatsapp message from my colleague. She said i called my Boss and it put his BB to loudspeaker in their discussion even though he knew i was unintentional to call him! So shy! But i was happy that i got home by myself and I didn't called my hubby for help!

And from now on, i can fill up petrol on my own! Wait a minute, are all palm stations have the same handler?


Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Tips Pikat Suami Dengan Air Tangan Isteri

9 tips agar anda boleh terus mengikat tali perkahwinan anda dengan penuh bahagia melalui masakan ‘air tangan’ anda.

1. Jangan jadikan alasan anda tidak tahu memasak. Keluarkan sedikit modal untuk pergi menghadiri kelas dan kursus masakan.

2. Kerapkan menonton rancangan masakan yang ada di TV dan ambil nota. Kemudian terus anda cuba resipi yang anda dapat itu untuk mencuba memasaknya di dapur.

3. Beli dan baca buku masakan yang ada di pasaran.

4. Pada hujung minggu, anda boleh ajak suami anda untuk pergi membeli barang-barang dapur dan simpan stok untuk seminggu.

5. Jika anda penat, pujuk suami anda untuk turut membantu anda di dapur. Ini dapat mengeratkan lagi hubungan anda berdua.

6. Anda boleh bertanya sekali-sekala kepada suami anda apakah masakan yang dia teringin sangat untuk rasa. Cuba penuhi permintaan dia. Pasti dia akan bertambah-tambah sayang anda.

7. Jangan biarkan dapur anda langsung tidak berasap untuk jangka masa yang lama. Paling kurang pun anda boleh beli makanan sejuk beku seperti sosej, nugget, kentang-goreng, karipap frozen. Masak dan sediakan untuk suami anda.

8. Untuk menjimatkan masa, anda boleh sediakan sekali dulu bahan-bahan asas masakan seperti bawang dan cili kering yang siap dikisar. Simpan dalam peti ais kerana ia lebih tahan lama. Anda boleh pujuk minta bantuan dari suami anda untuk sama-sama membantu.

9. Dalam sehari, sesibuk mana anda pun, anda wajib meluangkan masa menyediakan masakan untuk suami anda.

Sumber: Kursus Perkahwinan.Com
; Dapur Mamasya

Colonel Meow - The angry cat

Original article: YahooNews!

Isn't Colonel Meow so cute? I love him straight away when i 1st saw his face! He's the new feline sensational on social media.. What a funny 'angry cat' face he is! For me, he's super adorable! Look at the big round eyes, fluffiness and innocent look!
My fave pic of him: Like A Boss!
In love with the fiery look he got, cuteness!

Cat lover

Monday, October 08, 2012

Glory vs Classico

Roo told us: "As long as we keep winning, I’m not concerned. If it comes, it comes. We’ve got other players who can score goals for us"! That's the spirit Roo! -
On the other side of Europe: 2 best football players in the world scored twice in the same game! Both are magnificent! Go Messi, Go Cristiano! Classico game eva!-

Saturday, October 06, 2012

ADELE - Skyfall

Who else can sing better than her? The magnificent ADELE!

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Happy World Animal Day

Today is Oct. 4th which is WORLD ANIMAL DAY! 

A bit of history from WorldAnimalDay web:

World Animal Day was started in 1931 at a convention of ecologists in Florence as a way of highlighting the plight of endangered species. October 4 was chosen as World Animal Day as it is the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.

Since then, World Animal Day has become a day for remembering and paying tribute to all animals and the people who love and respect them. It's celebrated in different ways in every country, with no regard to nationality, religion, faith or political ideology.

So, i want to make this entry special for my meow-meow! Happy Animal Days Catty-Shae breeds!

Giggs Catty-Shae (father)

Brittany Catty-Shae (mom)

Garfield Catty-Shae (son 1)
Tiny Catty-Shae (son 2)

Chomel Catty-Shae (son 3)

Motti-motti Catty-Shae (daughter 1)

Motto-motto Catty-Shae (daughter 2)

Love Ya All kitties! Happy Animal Day!

How Stores Trick You into Spending More Money

Original article from Yahoo! Shine

1. Bigger shopping carts.
Just as people tend to eat more if it's piled onto a larger plate, they're more likely to spend more trying to fill a bigger shopping cart.

2. The thrill of the hunt. One reason why big box and warehouse stores are so appealing is that you never know what kind of a bargain you might be able to bring home. The attitude is that if you see it, you have got to buy it, because it may not be there next time.

3. Meeting (or making) price expectations.
Retailers know that most people can't compare prices on every single item in a large store (though smartphone apps that allow you to scan bar codes have made that easier for savvy shoppers). So they drop the prices on a couple of popular items -- and then raise the prices on other products.

4. Fake sales. People equate higher prices with better quality. So they're willing to pay more for an item (or buy more of an item) if they think they're getting a great deal. A $399.99 Kitchen Aid mixer that's been marked down from $499.99 seems like a better deal than a $349.99 Kitchen Aid mixer that's the same in every way except for the color (and the original price). A "10 for $10" deal at the grocery store seems like a better bargain than a "5 for $5" deal, because shoppers feel like they're getting more for their money, even though they're spending more than they bargained for. And if the sign says "4 for $10," shoppers are likely to buy four—even if they intended to buy only one, and even if the item isn't actually on sale.

5. Perceived added value. Grocery stores often group ingredients together, and leave handy recipe cards close by. It's a fine example of the power of suggestion; you were going to buy the avocados anyway, why not get all of the other things you need to make guacamole, since the recipe is right here? Manufactures often add the perception of value by redesigning products while reducing their size—that "New!" label may just be there to hide the fact that they're asking you to pay more for less product. And some retailers put their most-expensive merchandise right up front; once you get past it, prices on everything else in the store seem less expensive in comparison.

6. Triggering happy thoughts. High-end, high-priced goods are placed where you can see them as soon as you walk in the door, but retailers don't really expect you to put them in your (oversized) shopping cart.

7. Letting you try things out in store. According to Women's Day, researchers say that touching a product makes you more likely to buy it. That's why so many stores place kid-friendly items near the entrances; it's also why clothing stores put tables stacked with soft sweaters or other touchable merchandise at hip level, rather than high up, and why more grocery stories leave out free samples for you to taste.

8. Changing the floor plan. You get your grocery shopping down to a science—you know which aisles to hit in which order to get the things you need and avoid the things you don't. And then, one day, you walk in and things have been rearranged. They're not merely upgrading the store—they're forcing you to spend more time in it, notice products you hadn't purchased before, and fill up that (larger) shopping cart.

9. Placing practical items in the checkout lanes. Notice how there's more than just candy and magazines at the checkout all of a sudden? Impulse items still exist, but they're being joined by a host of helpful "whoops-we-think-you-may-have-forgotten-something" items—things like DVDs, batteries, gift cards, lip balm, travel-size bottles of ibuprofen, pens, and other useful, practical things that probably weren't on your list—but that they hope you end up buying anyway.

10. Making it a sensory experience. High-end grocery stories mist water over the vegetables in the produce section, the smell of freshly baked goods waft out from the bakery, rotisserie chickens turn over a flame in plain near the deli counter. It's all designed to stimulate the senses and make you want to buy more. Non-food stores do it, too, points out, with customized music, pretty displays, and even comfy seating so you can take a break and spend more time in the store.

Read more <here>

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

CM: My son’s wedding was not lavish

Original article from thestar

MALACCA: Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam has dismissed talk about the lavishness of his son’s wedding banquet.

When contacted, Mohd Ali, who is on a working trip to Indonesia, said it was not extravagant.
“It was cheap to organise. The wedding just looked grand because of the number of people who attended,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mohd Ali’s special secretary Datuk M. S Mahadevan said people just wanted to congratulate the bridegroom Mohd Ridhwan, 26, and his wife Nur Azieha Mohd Ali, also 26.

“No one was forced to attend the event, including state government employees,” said Mahadevan yesterday.

About 130,000 people were said to have attended the wedding banquet on Sunday at the Dewan Tun Ali Bukit Katil here.

It has entered the Malaysia Book of Records for the huge turnout.
Opposition lawmakers have demanded that Mohd Ali reveal how much he spent on the wedding and where the funding came from.

“This is the first wedding ceremony for the Chief Minister’s family and every Malaccan wanted to take part.

“Even estate workers wearing slippers stood in line to shake hands with the bride and bridegroom,” noted Mahadevan, adding that 500 people had volunteered to help out at the event.

“Not a single sen was paid to these volunteers,” he added.

Mahadevan said many of the caterers and other businesses provided their services for free.


Just like my number of tweets about this issue, OPPONENTS don't have job, that's y they are playing with this issues! This is a SPONSORED wedding reception, the caterers gave free food to Malaccan, why u jealous opponents? RM20million wedding u said? What a bullshit! Dato' Ali got more important thing to do for Malacca with the RM20m rather than spending for his son's wedding! I'm not on either side of the political parties, BUT, please be realistic! This is his 1st son, most of Malaccan loves Dato' Ali, so many people came to the wedding becoz they r happy for Dato' Ali and YET it becomes a big bullshit NATIONAL issue brought by the opponent!

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Women Against Abuse

Amanda Fong, a 19-yo teenage girl who get married at young age to Calven Chik. I don't know either of these 2 homo sapiens but people all over the world get to know them because of the facebook-exposure-abuse-case. Yesterday, Calven Chik told the court that he's not guilty (yeay rite, you are not guilty until proven!). But when i 1st watched the video last month, i was so speechless and i cant imagine myself as Amanda. What she had to go tru at her age and she was 2-mo pregnant at that time. Doesn't matter if she was having a scandal at that time (DOESN'T MATTER!), but a GENTLEMAN will not abuse a woman! The video showed how cruel was Calven when he non-stop beating her , he even bang her head to the sofa and to the floor! what kinda man (read human being) is that? Even though he was so mad and angry at that time, he should not never put his hand to his pregnant-wife at the 1st place! She was physically and mentally abuse by her own hubby who the 1 that should protect and love her, she was so weak and fragile to be beaten like that.

What is happening to the world now? Why people get married when they only want to hurt their wives or be beaten by the hubbies? Why women want to get married when they only want to marry the money? How can the parents let the daughters to get married at young ages? So many questions popping in my mind right now, i just dont understand. What will happen in the future? What will happen to our children, to the young generation?

Women abuse cases are becoming serious nowadays, the report of the cases is increasing every day. What are the gov initiative to overcome the increasingly cases of women abuse? What have been done? Is the Women National Policy just another useless paperwork? I can see only from the NGOs point of view, they are very active in protecting and  helping the victims.

I hope all of you women out there, be brave, stop being afraid of the abuser, do come forward and lodge a police report whenever you feel like you are being abused by your spouse, boyfriend or family members.

To MAN, please treat your wife/ girlfriend/ daughter kindly and gentle. Don't ever try to beat a woman when you already knew she is weak and cannot fight you back. Be a gentleman!

Monday, October 01, 2012

Plastic Surgeries & Alive Dolls

Starting with Dakota Rose

Followed by Venus Polermo

and now Anastasiya Shpagina

All of them are very young girls who were maybe obsess with either Barbie Dolls or Japanese Anime. They allowed themselves to be plastic surgeries victims just to look like their idols or just to be famous using easy/fast way. I wonder how they will look like when they are becoming older n older.. Gals out there, think before u do something that will affect your future life.. Just be grateful of the way you are, everything happened for a reason, remember that! 

Quote from BrunoMars:

"You are amazing, Just the way you are"

Source: cari forum