Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How to control you blood sugar?

Normal Blood Glucose: 4-7mmol/l

Before, i dun even care about my blood glucose level, as far as i know i'm one healthy woman.. until last few weeks when i got my blood gl checked, i was so shocked and couldnt even believe the device, eventou i knew the device used by the nurse to check my blood gl wasnt the best or the accurate one but i realized i have a very hg risk of DBM since both of my parents are diabetic now! so i trained myself to avoid sugary food and start eating very spicy food.. but it wasnt good! glucose intake is important too... so i switched to low GI food.. but Malaysian food labeling is one of the worst, i can only find food with low GI label in Coldstorage/Jusco Supermarket/ Harrods!

until i found this article by shine@yahoo, i think i'm going to implement these tips in my daily life..

Tip #1: Lose Weight
Extra fat can make your body resistant to the action of insulin. Losing weight improves insulin’s activity, which reduces blood-glucose levels. Research suggests that people at high risk for diabetes who lose as little as 5 percent of their body weight (i.e., about 10 pounds, if they weigh 200 pounds) can prevent or delay onset of the condition.

Tip #2: Exercise Regularly
Studies show that physical activity improves the body’s response to insulin and helps lower blood-glucose levels. Not only that, exercise goes hand in hand with healthy eating to achieve weight loss. Aim to fit in 30 minutes of moderate activity—such as brisk walking—nearly every day.

Tip #3: Choose Whole Grains
Selecting whole grains, such as whole-wheat breads and pastas, barley, corn and oats, over refined ones can help improve insulin sensitivity. Whole grains will help you meet your recommended daily intake for fiber (25 grams for women; 38 grams for men); they also provide more vitamins, minerals and other health-promoting nutrients than refined grains.

Tip #4: Don’t Skip Meals
Eating breakfast helps insulin to lower blood-glucose levels, and eating regularly spaced meals also helps insulin work better, suggests research.

Tip #5: Choose Foods Low on the Glycemic Index—But Keep in Mind That Mixing Foods Will Change the GI.
The glycemic index (GI) is a system of ranking foods that contain equal amounts of carbohydrates according to how much they raise blood-glucose levels. (The lower the GI number, the less the food boosts your blood sugar and the more diabetic-diet-friendly it is.) The GI is somewhat confusing and even a little controversial (for instance, we rarely eat single foods by themselves and when you combine foods it affects the GI). But, in general, it does lead you to healthy foods. For example, vegetables, whole grains, beans and high-fiber foods tend to fall lower on the glycemic scale, while processed and refined foods and sweets are higher up.

More healthy tips, pls visit shine@yahoo

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