cerita berlaku pada January 2nd, 2010 yg lepas
-di dalam waja utk ke destinasi pilihan-
si suami terpinga2 knp di sini dan bukan ke cinema!
kedua2 mereka memakai kasut hantaran
-adidas-nine west-
-si isteri yg suprise nye menjadi-
- si suami yg di suprised-
-die diberi penghormatan utk start appetizer dulu-
-itu kami-
- di bawah cahaya cinta-
equatorial pd malam itu adalah malam seafood buffet! kami sangat langkah kanan, ooo i love seafoods! well, i banyak snap pics food tp byk juga terdelete dek tgn ku yg gatal ini! so, tak banyak gambar2 menyelerakan yg dapat dipertontonkan kpd semua readers sgt banyak i makan, ade sushi, ade smooked salmon, pelbagai lauk pauk berasaskan seafood, butter prawn, etc etc etc
-ini adalah kuih muih-
-the fruits are fresh esp. the honey dew-
oooo, ku sudah tidak termasuk lg
si suami pun turut kekenyangan
die cakap stop dulu, nanti sambung.. BUT
he didnt know about the next BIG suprise..
-ini adalah seafood bakar-
(equa, u shuld send ur chef to learn how to bake cupcakes, i buat lg sedap ok!)
suddenly, the band sang the Birthday Song and playing guitar for him, he was so suprised... and when d waiter brought us the birthday cake while singing the birthday song together with the band... even the other customer sang the Bsong oso!
-the cake is coming-
he was so suprised sampai nak menangis ok!!!! he didnt expect i will make such arrangement.. im so sweet and romantic kan B??? hehehehe.
u knew y i did this for u kan??? the 4 letters word lah..
best best!!..
aku pn plan gak nk wat cmtu.. for our next anniversary.. :) nti leh la tnye kt ko macamane eh.. :P
hehehe.. netime beb.. sumtimes pompuan pun kena wat suprise gak..
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