Monday, April 13, 2009

last day last moments!

yesterday was d day our former minister aka the smart man gave his last speech to the MoA.Inc. maybe he was the not-so-long minister in MoA BUT he did brought some improvements to the ministry! congrats to him for all the success he did in MoA and all d best for him in MITI.
he delivered his last speech which i think quite funny & smart!
is MoA.Inc. sad to let him go? erm.. or happy maybe???
but i enjoyed the speech!
so did her!
all d best to u,
i know u'll have the chance to be MAS PM oneday, we'll neva know that!
but TQfor the changes & improvements u had brought to MoA!
and welcome to our new minister...


swit@kon said...

me like To' Pa... dia kool, relax je tapi pawer!

thesweetlittlecat said...

tokpa cool???!!!!! relax???!!