Thursday, March 31, 2011


Eventou sepatah haram I tak fhm tapi layankanlah kecomelan Sam & Ren (twins bro) membebel.. super cute! I want twins tooooo.. :

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ada faedah ke?

Artikel from Kosmo! Online

Saintis rancang gali pusat Bumi

GAMBARAJAH lapisan bumi.

LONDON - Sekumpulan saintis Britain merancang untuk menggerudi lapisan batu-batan untuk sampai ke bahagian mantel bumi buat kali pertama, lapor sebuah akhbar semalam.

Ekspedisi itu bertujuan membawa naik sampel mantel Bumi untuk kajian. Ia melibatkan operasi menggerudi melepasi lapisan batu pejal sejauh 8 kilometer di dasar laut dengan suhu mencecah 298° Celsius.

Projek itu bakal dilaksanakan pada tahun 2018 dan diketuai oleh pakar Pusat Oseanografi Southampton, Dr. Damon Teagle serta Dr. Benoit Ildefonse dari Universiti Montpellier, England.

Terdapat beberapa cubaan untuk menggali mantel Bumi pada tahun 1960-an tetapi gagal kerana masalah organisasi dan kos. - Agensi


so unbelieveable, xcukup2 lagi ke nak merosakkan bumi ni???? sat ag tgh korek2 sang dajal pun kluar!


kucing I cakap: Busy Body
p.s.: I cakap penyibuk!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


doing work at this time alone in the office is good... silent n i can focus.. chayo2x..

im blessed

I am so happy becuz i am so happy.. ☺
Im blessed today.. I did my work alone with a lil help from other people.. Im blessed cuz i am me, i am blessed with patience n hard work! Tq Allah..

Monday, March 28, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jika terlalu selesa...

bila i bekerja dlm gomen ni baru tau mmg betul:
Melayu Mudah Lupa

Sikap orang Melayu ni sampai bila susah nak diubah, mengharapkan belas orang, malas, xminat nak belajar lebih dr sepatutnya , bodoh sombong, terlalu selesa, suka mengutuk/mengata/ memfitnah, dengki dan ego! dun think u got all the keistimewaan ko nak bersenang lenang skrg, think about you daughter n son future, u'll neva know wut will happen to Malays in the future! i bangga sebab i bukan sepenuhnya org Melayu, so i kurang ade sifat2 org Melayu spt di atas, alhamdulillah.. i bangga sebab i berdarah campuran, sekurang2nya takdelah sentap sgt bila org mengata org Melayu becuz kbykannya adalah betul.. Thats y Tun M pun berani ckp Melayu Mudah Lupa sebab dia pun bukan 100% Malay!

Thats all to begin my day today.. Have a wonderful day..

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Salahkah anda bertanya?


Im cool now! Im sorry to whom was butthurt v me this morning.. I dont mean to be so emo but the reality is working is a learning process too. If u dun compromise n ask, u'll be left.. Im not happy v what i have done this morning, but plz i need respect n responsibilities from my staff.. Salahkah kalau bertanya? Salahkah kalau buat kerja ikhlas? If i can do others' people works/ tasks, why cant u? plz r, i dun want to be hypocrite, made friend v all of u just wanna gain ur help. Im doing ma work v full of responsibilities n at least im honest to ma self! Im not complaining, and i dun think i am a good officer pun.. but i tried to improve maself each n every year. I did my work accordingly to what my boss want me to do.. but y u guys kena memilih boss n kerja utk dibuat? Im so sorry if u guys terasa or sakit hati dgn I but im just doing ma job n i want my job to be as what i oredy planned! kerja dgn shakira jefrydin senang je, CEPAT, TEPAT dan IKHLAS. Thats all what i need from YOU! Kalau tak boleh tolong, informed me and 'll try to do all of the tasks alone.. im okay with iT!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sold out!

Mr Bruno Mars,
I'm so going to miss your live concert in Malaysia on this coming April!!!! Im so so so so so so sad! the tickets are all sold out! why? why? why? i really really wanna go to your concert dear BrunoMars! why dont your organizer just organize the concert at Bukt Jalil? Why must in PWTC? ermmm.. am so upset!

Anyone wanna sell ur Bruno Mars ticket to me??? please..

The day my bff got married..

12 March 2011-The day my bff got hitched by her long time bf.. congrats dear, am happy for u! eventou dlm keadaan hujan lebat, we managed to arrive at Renny's house at Kudat, Sabah. Luckily majlis belum start cuz the bridegroom tak sampai lg sebab banjir.. and renny pun baru selesai make up! shes soooooooo damn gorgeous in her wedding gown!
while waiting for the groom, the photographer yg diupah renny snap her pic with her parents. Now i knew bila masanya net menutup muka bride... hehehehe.. ☺
bila the groom dah sampai n siap, before going to the Chruch for the blessing ceremony kot, dorang amik gambar lg depan rumah...
such a sweet couple! kan renny? ♥
the arrival of the groom, bridesmade, bride and her father...
the ceremony.. the blessings..
the rings exchanging, the 'i do i do ' part.. and the forehead kissing..
Babe, wishing you the best of life today and in the days to come.. May you love and hold each other in the worst of times with trust, faith and belief; hoping the best for you on your auspicious wedding
Last but not least special for Renny & Mike:

Good luck! Congratulations!
Best wishes! Cheers! Well done!
The futures full of promise and
Its only just begun
You're starting on a journey
A new, exciting life
Together, as a partnership
As husband and as a wife
Adventures, thrills and choices
Are waiting just for you
The road will have some turnings
And perhaps a bump or two
But you’ll be strong together
You’ll come through every test
Your love will deepen week by week
Be Happy All the best


Friday, March 18, 2011

Nuclear Reactor Boy's Tummy Ache

this video is shared by one of my friend in Japan, Dihar.. This video almost made me cry but now i know that the japanese people are ok and they not in panic about the nuclear thingy and how foreign media is making it out to be tru social networking and bbm.. I'll pray for u Japan... But i know Japan will b ok sooner or later..

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hukum Muslim Masuk Gereja

dari blog ustadz: here

Hukum Muslim Masuk Gereja


Semoga ustadz selalu dalam lindungan Allah Amin. Saya mempunyai seorang teman yang mencari tambahan penghasilan sebagai fotografer dan video shooting. Beberapa bulan yang lalu dia mendapat order untuk pemotretan upacara penikahan umat kristiani yanag di langsungkan di gereja. Yang ingin saya tanyakan, apakah hukumnya jika kita melakukan hal tersebut di atas dan jika ada dalilnya mohon dijelaskan. Mohon pencerahannya karena saya takut teman saya mencari rezeki dengan cara yang tidak halal. Terima kasih.



Assalamu ''alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Para fuqoha berbeda pendapat tentang hukum seorang muslim memasuki gereja.

1. Yang Memakruhkan

Ulama di kalangan mazhab Al-Hanafiyah menyatakan bahwa makruh hukumnya seorang muslim memasuki gereja atau tempat ibadah orang kafir.

Sebab tempat tersebut merupakan tempat berkumpulnya syetan bukan karena seorang muslim tidak punya hak untuk memasukinya. Keterangan ini bisa kita dapati pada kitab Hasyiyah Ibnu ''Abidin jilid 5 halaman 248.

2. Yang Membolehkan

Para ulama di kalangan mazhab Malikiyah dan Hanabilah serta sebagian ulama Syafi''iyah berpendapat bahwa seorang muslim diperbolehkan memasuki gereja atau tempat ibadah orang kafir lainnya.

Tapi sebahagian yang lainnya mensyaratkan harus ada izin dari mereka yang menggunakan tempat tersebut.

Keterangan seperti ini bisa kita baca pada kitab Kasyful Qana'' jilid 1 halaman 294 serta kitab Hasyiyatul Jamal jilid 3 halaman 572.

Oleh karena itu hukum memasuki gereja seperti halnya untuk menghadiri perkawinan atau bertugas melakukan pekerjaan tertentu, bukanlah sesuatu yang diharamkan.

Asalkan selama orang muslim tersebut tidak melaksanakan hal-hal yang bertentangan dengan aturan-aturan agama. Meskipun demikian, sebaiknya dia tidak melakukannya kecuali jika dianggap perlu dan mendesak.

Yang Mutlak Diharamkan

Sedangkan hukum memasuki tempat ibadah orang kafir pada saat mereka sedang merayakan hari agama mereka adalah haram. Keharaman ini berangkat dari perkataan shahabat Umar bin Al-Khattab ra:

"Janganlah kalian memasuki tempat ibadah orang kafir pada saat mereka sedang merayakan hari agama mereka, karena kemarahan Allah akan turun kepada mereka." (Silahkan lihat kitab Al-Adab Asy-Syar''iyyah jilid 3 halaman 442).

Wallahu a''lam bishshawab, wassalamu ''alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,


congrats my friend: Renn! u were so gorgeous that day.. nice make up, beautiful wed dress and u urself a pretty woman!

Monday, March 14, 2011

LCW beat LD

Congrats Dato'. 2 yrs in a row. U made us proud!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Katy Perry Born This Way

she did no wrong, she just singing her friend's song and she sounded really good!

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Tak terkawal

My work desk dah xboleh kemas dr last week. Bersepah.. Ni baru ats meja, belum bwh meja, belakang meja, drawe etc etc. Biar dulu sampai RP2 RMK10 hbs.. Nanti dh settle semua bru kemas (kalo rajin).
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Happy birthday Dear Renn

Happy birthday to:
Dear, kita dah sebaya: 28 years old. I oredy knew u for 4+yrs and i hope this friendship will last 4eva! i wish u the best in your life, career and future. u r such a good, honest, sincere friend for me. jarang nampak kau marah and i think ko sentiasa memendam rasa and let others be happy! thats y people esp me are lucky to have u a s a friend! i lost all of my words to describe u oredy cuz u r such a great friend!

My friend
I wish for you to have
beautiful experiences
each new day
as you follow
your dreams

Last but not least, I look forward to enjoying our friendship for many more of your birthdays.. I know this year will be the biggest year for u and I cant wait to attend ur wedding this Saturday.




Tuesday, March 08, 2011

A Doctor in the House: A memoirs of Tun M

8 years of waiting and today his most anticipating autobiography - A Doctor in the House: The Memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad will hit the bookstores and he'll be in MPH Mid Valley for the autograph signing (again, i terlepas!).. I'll buy it as soon as today Tun!
Description from mphonline:

-In his twenty-two years as Prime Minister of Malaysia Dr Mahathir Mohamad transformed his country from an agricultural backwater into an industrial powerhouse that would become the seventeenth-largest trading nation in the world.

This remarkable achievement was not without controversy, and Dr Mahathir's extraordinary vision and iron grip earned him both enemies as well as ardent admirers within and outside of Malaysia. He has been described—typically and paradoxically—as a tyrannical dictator, a bête noir, as well as inspiring, courageous and an outspoken defender of the downtrodden, the Third World, and moderate Islam.

At almost every turn Dr Mahathir rewrote the rules. This book reveals hitherto unknown aspects of this intensely private, but publicly bold, statesman. It provides a clear and compelling narrative of modern Malaysian political history as seen through the eyes of one its greatest shapers. It is neither apology nor defence, but a forceful, compelling and often exciting account of how Dr Mahathir achieved what he did in so short a time, and why.-

I have enough of Holly Holiday!

i dunno wuts ur guys opinion but i had enuff of Gwyneth in Glee oredy, i hope Sexy will be her last tomorrow.. I need some1 like Gwen Stefani, Mariah Carey or JT to be featured in Glee! Anyway, just enjoy this MV of Do You Wanna Touch Me for tomorrow episode featuring Holly Holiday (Gwyneth).

Monday, March 07, 2011

My 17 Hero Is Injured

bow down to LFC becoz they won last night! Eh, dun get me wrong... Im Man U biggest fan.. but LFC played better than MU last night, i think it was their best game for this season so far.. they were so lucky to have Suarez n this not 'cute' Kuyt! it is proven now that LFC is better without Torres.. and suddenly people start saying this below man cute! what??? is this cute for u all?? hehehehe.. i watched the game and i didnt care about the lost...
the thing that i care n worry most is my man is injured! it is BAD! it is really BAD! my boyfriend is injured! Damn u Carragher!
p.s.: LFC fans mmg lah happy bila they defeated MUFC BUT yang lebih2 happy n bangga adalah bukan LFC fans esp Biru Team fans n Arsengal fans.. pelik.. bila ade club yg kalahkan Arsengal or Biru Team takde plak dorang happy gila, tp bila they defeat MU sambutan mengalahkan WC! So u all fahamlah maksudnya.. Glory Glory! ☺

Saturday, March 05, 2011


Shedap! Ada ummmpphhh
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Kesha Blow James Van Der Beek

Enjoy.. I miss James as Dawson in Dawson's Creek

Friday, March 04, 2011

His 27th

with a hattrick, he is now the top scorer of La Liga with 27goals, same v Messy Messi! he's an incredible player, i wish u r still v Man U! but u r still my fave player in ma fave La Liga club: Real Madrid. 7-0 winning over Malaga, its awesome! But, Barca is more awesome then RM!
this is how CR do it: a goal for every game

Thursday, March 03, 2011

iPad2 for me!

yeay! sibbek i xbeli lg ipad cuz semalam ipad2 dah launched! orite, now i am serious! im going to get ipad2 for real! plz come faster to Malaysia! pretty plz... the pink magnetic cover is for me!
super slim!
up-close with ipad2!

Review from reviewofweb:
  • iPad2 is slimmer by 33% measuring 8.8 mm in thickness compared to 13.4 of iPad1
  • iPad2 supports gyroscope which was non-existent in iPad1. Gamers rejoice!
  • iPad2 has a front and rear camera which again was non-existent in iPad1. With the introduction of cameras, Apple has now included FaceTime for Video Conferencing in Ipad2
  • Apple claims that iPad2’s CPU is twice as fast as iPad1 and graphics 9 times faster compared to iPad1.
  • iPad2 has a HDMI video port which was not available in iPad1.
  • iPad lost its weight by 0.2 pound. iPad2 is 1.3 pounds compared to 1.5 pounds of iPad1

Dream High: Live vs Super cute IU

I suke btl lagu Dream High ni.. semalam dah complete tgk 16epi! cant wait for the special episode.. ramai gila permintaan tru twitter n FB asking the Director panjangkan the series but it came to end last Tuesday. But for sure Poll utk special epi sgt tinggi, so terpaksalah Director buat special epi! yeayy!! MV kat bawah ni the cast nyanyi live.. yg boys ok je live tp girl a bit off except IU the super cute singer! hehehhe

I suke tgk IU sebab shes tooo cute n adorable.. bila tgk ad Samsung Galaxy S, bertambah suke kat dia! IU adalah Pil Suk dlm DH! enjoy..

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Lady Gaga - Born This Way

So this is it! Gaga's Born This Way MV.. enjoy!